Berry Simpson’s 100 LIFE GOALS
version 2021 (age 65)

I want to be a man of HOPE, living an AUTHENTIC life, SHARING what I learn, and staying culturally RELEVANT as a lifelong STUDENT of significant things.

BE A MAN OF HOPE (Leaning forward into the future)

1. Live to be 100 years old with Cyndi

2. Celebrate 50th Anniversary with Cyndi (50th = 2029 ...I will be 73)

3. Publish five family photo albums

4. Go on a cruise with family and friends

5. skydive (I'm sure once will be plenty)

6. Eat regular lunches with granddaughters (like I did with B & K)

7. Celebrate 75th anniversary with Cyndi (75th = 2054 … I will be 98)

8. Celebrate anniversary in Hawaii

9. Celebrate anniversary in New Zealand

10. Celebrate anniversary on Med Cruise

11. Help Cyndi handle Deanna’s estate (started in 2017 … still much more ahead)

12. Weigh 175# (the closest I've been as an adult is 185# in 1981)

13. My age in sit-ups, push-ups, pull-ups (within a 30-minute time limit)

14. Visit Pacific Northwest

15. Go to NYC for Broadway plays

16. River cruise in Europe

17. Go to summer Olympics

18. Go to winter Olympics


19. Go backpacking with grandchildren

20. Cycling vacation w/ Cyndi in Italy

21. Cycling vacation w/ Cyndi in New England

22. Cycling vacation w/ Cyndi in Iceland

23. Go on a hot air balloon ride

24. Backpack the White Mountain Wilderness

25. Colorado Trail Thru-Hike (~ one month)

26. Lonestar Trail Thru-Hike (~ one week)

27. White water rafting

28. Cycle across Texas North-South

20. Cycle across Texas West-East

30. Complete a century bike ride (furthest I've ridden so far is 75 miles)

31. Multi-day cycling stage ride

32. Complete a 100-mile trail run

33. Run/Walk one more marathon (to make an even ten)

34. Bike the Great Divide Route (about 3,000 miles, or 6-10 weeks)

35. Hike Appalachian Trail (probably section hiking, at most, a month at a time)

36. Hike Pacific Crest Trail (probably section hiking, at most, a month at a time)

37. Special trip with each granddaughter when they turn 15

38. Hike around Mt. Blanc with Cyndi

39. Hike or bike the California Coast Trail with Cyndi

SHARING WHAT I LEARN (To whom much has been given … )

40. Sell 100,000 books (I only have about 99,900 books to go, yet)

41. Be on New York Times best-seller list

42. Travel to speak 6 times in one year

43. Publish 25 books (as of 2021 I've published six books)

44. 10 trips with GMP (So far: Israel, Guatemala, Hungary, and Italy)

45. 1,000 names on my author mailing list (as of Jan 2021 = 240 names)

46. Donate 160 pints of blood (as of Jan 2021 = 120 pints)

47. Fund a family charitable foundation

48. Establish a family scholarship fund

49. Invest in culture-changing ministry start-ups

STAYING CULTURALLY RELEVANT (not grabbing for the good old days, but anticipating change)

50. Attend Catalyst to hear new voices

51. A personal writing weekend retreat

52. Practice drawing – 100 daily drawings

53. Attend Donald Davis storytelling workshop

54. 100 yoga classes in 12 months

55. Write a book with granddaughters

56. Update wills, living wills, financial plans (this is in-process now)

57. Write a novel (I have one, but I’m still working on a better ending)

58. Be interviewed about writing on NPR

59. Be interviewed about writing by Christianity Today

60. Be interviewed about writing by Texas Monthly

61. Be interviewed about writing by Writer’s Digest

62. Speak at a Catalyst workshop

A LIFELONG STUDENT OF SIGNIFICANT THINGS (keep exploring ideas, beliefs, and practices)

63. Personal retreat at a monastery (maybe in Pecos NM)

64. Practice trombone 100 consecutive days

65. Take Tai Chi classes

66. Learn to cross-country ski

67. do a 40-day fast

68. Follow Paul’s missionary journeys with Cyndi

69. Visit 100 countries (as of 2021 = 20 countries)

70. Talk writing with Erwin McManus

71. Talk writing with Leonard Sweet

72. Talk about writing with Calvin Trillin

73. Organize and structure my library (although I'm not yet convinced of the benefit)

74. Read 20 books about Texas (as of 2021, I've read 11)

75. Attend National Storytelling at least five times? (We’ve attended once – Sep 2019)


ACCOMPLISHED since I first started this list in 2009

1. Publish my first book (Running with God = 2009)

2. Have a personal website (

3. Ongoing Journey Partner ministry (as of 2021 = 52 people)

4. Guy’s backpacking weekend in NM (2012 = Gila Wilderness)

5. Backpack in Big Bend … the Rim (May 2016)

6. Backpack in Big Bend … the Desert (Feb 2010 = Blue Creek)

7. Backpack in the Gila Wilderness (Mar 2012 with five guys)

8. Backpack in the Pecos Wilderness (September 2009)

9. Learn to play jazz trombone (1st solo = April 2017, 2nd = Dec 2017. Taking lessons 2017)

10. Solo backpack for 7 days (Colorado Trail 2017)

11. Learn how to fly fish (with Byron, in Colorado June 2020, and Texas April 2021)

12. Buy new wedding ring for Cyndi (Feb 2013)

13. Replace Cyndi’s 95 Explorer (August 2009)

14. Pay off all debts: home and business (all debt including mortgage = Mar 2021)

15. own a yoga studio (Summer 2010)

16. Help Cyndi get her 500 hours certification (Dec 2013)

17. Own a mountain home for family (a lake house at Granbury instead)

18. workout 2 hours per day for 40 days (in Mar 2009)

19. Go to Israel (In 2016 with Celebration Orchestra)

20. Go to writer’s workshop (Santa Fe, with Natalie Goldberg = May 2018)

21. Read 2,500 books (as of December 31, 2020 = 2,697 books)

22. Read entire (or 10+) works of 20 authors (as of 2021, 27 authors)